West Palm Beach 6/14/2012 3:23:44 AM
News / Law

Florida Firefighter Charged with DUI Gets Behind the Wheel with Officer Watching

 Police like to take drunk drivers off the streets, and often hang out near popular bars so they catch drunken drivers unaware. But a Florida firefighter wasn’t using good judgment Sunday when he got into his car drunk under the watchful eye of a West Palm Beach officer.

According to a report by Officer James Albano, he spoke to Lt. Joshua Goodfellow outside the Square Grouper Tiki Bar. Albano said that Goodfellow was “swaying” from side to side and had slurred speech when stuck up a conversation with the officer by the bar’s front entrance. At that time Albano offered to find Goodfellow a ride, but he walked back into the bar.

Just minutes later Goodfellow emerged from the bar and told the officer his wife was coming to pick him up and proceeded to walk to the parking lot. And he did a very stupid thing, he got into his car with the officer watching and drove away.

Office Albano jumped in his cruiser and observed Goodfellow run two stop signs before he could pull him over and started to walk away before Albano could get out of his cruiser. A blood alcohol test revealed that Goodfellow was three times the legal limit.

Driving while drunk is a big mistake, but it can be challenged with the representation of an experienced Florida DUI lawyer.

Even if you can’t get a charge dropped or reduced a DUI attorney can ask the court to show leniency and keep you out of jail. With the right DUI defense, you might be able to keep your driver’s license. You should never go to court to face a drunk driving charge without the help of a DUI lawyer.