Washington 6/14/2012 3:30:21 AM
News / Law

U.S. Legislators Team up With Automakers to End DUIs Permanently

Drunk driving costs the American taxpayers roughly $132 billion each year and takes tens of thousands of lives. Although there are laws in place to stop drunk drivers, it is still a rampant problem and U.S. legislators want to prevent drunk driving altogether.

The new transportation bill currently in the House-Senate Conference Committee would provide funding for a program that aimed at preventing DUIs. The federal government and U.S. automakers have teamed up to develop a non-invasive and inexpensive technology that would prevent a driver from starting their car if they are too drunk.

The Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety would be included in all vehicles and would keep a person’s car from starting of their blood alcohol concentration is higher the national legal limit of .08. This device wouldn’t even be detectible unless a driver is legally drunk.

This preventative measure has approval from many industries, including the alcohol industry, and 2 out of 3 people think this is a good idea.

Even though most people know that intoxicated driving is wrong they get into their cars drunk anyway, and soon find themselves in need of a DUI attorney.

A person who has been charged with DUI will soon feel the effects it has on their lives and future. Since a DUI stays on your record for many years it is in the offender’s best interest to challenge the charge through a solid DUI defense. An effective DUI lawyer will be able to have the offense reduced and possibly keep it from appearing on your record.

If you have been arrested for drunk driving, it is critical that you retain a DUI attorney immediately to begin working on your case, which can increase your chances of beating the charge.