Nashville, TN 6/16/2012 1:43:57 AM
News / Law

Whirlpool Drops Appeal of $1M Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Lawsuit

Whirlpool Inc. has decided to drop their appeal of a $1 million sexual harassment and discrimination settlement awarded to an African- American female employee.

The initial lawsuit was filed in 2006 by an employee who endured two months of discrimination and harassment based on her gender and race by a white male co-worker. The harassment escalated and resulted in a physical assault where the women sustained permanent injuries that will prevent her from working again.

The woman told Whirlpool management about the harassment which included offensive gestures and verbal comments, but they took no action to end the behavior.

In December 2009, the woman was awarded a $1 million settlement, but Whirlpool soon appealed. On June 11, 2012, Whirlpool dropped their appeal.

Too often, sexual harassment attorneys represent victims that attempt to stop discrimination and harassment by following the rules and reporting the workplace abuse to their superiors. And too often these employers do nothing to correct the behavior or punish the perpetrator.

The reasons employers fail to take action against those that create a hostile work environment vary. They may not believe the allegations or think that the reporting victim is being overly sensitive or hyperbolic. Or they don’t believe the behavior necessitates action. A sexual harassment lawyer in Tennessee will work hard to not only end the harassment but make certain the employer is held accountable for their inaction.

For employees, a Tennessee sexual harassment attorney offers them the opportunity to end harassment when their employers fail to take their allegations seriously.