Carlisle 6/16/2012 3:12:41 AM
News / Law

Pennsylvania Accident Takes One Life and Injures Several Others

A Florida wife and mother of seven was killed Monday while traveling in Pennsylvania on family vacation.

Serafina Kinnare, 34, her husband, Patrick Kinnare, their seven children and a two other family members were traveling in a van in Penn Township. According to police to the police, Patrick Kinnare was driving the van and didn’t see a stop sign at an intersection. As he was going through the intersection, the van was struck by a dump truck. Serafina, who was not wearing a safety belt, and two other passengers, were ejected from the van.

Serafina was pronounced dead on the scene. Her husband and seven children were injured.

So many fatal and injurious accidents can be prevented, but drivers often make errors that cost others dearly. A traffic accident can happen in a moment, typically because of driver inattention or distraction. When a driver causes death or injury to others they can be called on to pay for their negligent actions by a Pennsylvania accident attorney.

Personal injury victims need someone to advocate for their rights and make certain they get the money they need to pay their medical bills and cover their living costs. With the help of an accident lawyer, an injury victim can get a settlement they deserve.

Accidents also take numerous lives. In many instances the people who are killed are primary supporters for their families. The family of the deceased has to pay funeral costs along with suffering from grief and the loss of much needed income. A Pennsylvania accident lawyer will apply their expertise to a case and make certain their clients get a generous settlement.