Upper Malboro 6/19/2012 3:16:08 AM
News / Law

Maryland Church Led by Senator Muse Files for Bankruptcy

 The Ark of Safety Christian Church led by Maryland Senator C. Anthony Muse declared bankruptcy this month seeking to reorganize their debts.

The church in Upper Marlboro owes $1.8 million to 20 creditors which include a mortgage company, various utilities and a law firm that represented the congregation in a number of legal matters.

Muse said in a statement, “Middle-class homeowners and middle-class churches are struggling to climb out the recession. Our members are middle class and have many needs. Their struggles have strained the church’s resources.

Sen. Muse, who is a member of the Senate Finance Committee emphasized that the church was just going through reorganization. This is the second church led by Muse that has faced financial difficulties in the past decade. Muse left the Gibbons Resurrection Method Church in Brandywine where he was pastor with an unfinished building and $6 million in debt and bond payments.

The recession has seriously affected businesses and individuals throughout the country, causing many to seek relief from their debts through a court approved plan. A Maryland bankruptcy attorney can offer help to the indebted individual or business by recommending a plan that is most appropriate for their needs.

Going through the bankruptcy process, whether it is Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 will allow the filer the chance to lower or eliminate the amount they owe their creditors which will then give them the chance to make a renewed start.  Your bankruptcy lawyer will know which debt relief plans is most appropriate for their clients.

The prospect of filing for bankruptcy can be daunting, but a Maryland bankruptcy lawyer can help alleviate the stress of collection calls, foreclosure or property liens through a structured bankruptcy plan.