Hartford 6/19/2012 3:34:41 AM
News / Law

Yale University Settles Sexual Harassment Inquiry

Sexual harassment and assault is a serious problem college campuses nationwide And while many take the necessary steps to prevent and address these allegations, other universities have been accused of failing to protect their students.

Last year, Yale University was accused of allowing the campus to be a sexually hostile environment, but has settled an inquiry into their harassment and reporting policies by instituting a new grievance process to handle sexual harassment complaints

The investigation revealed the university failed to report or adequately document numerous allegations of sexual harassment and rape. The inquiry also determined that students were not given information on how to report incidents of sexual harassment or assault.

Yale has now settled the inquiry by agreeing to reform their harassment reporting procedures and prevention measures. The university has agreed to increase training and staff devoted to preventing and responding to sexual harassment complaints.

Sexual harassment attorneys are frequently retained by victims, who are repeatedly subjected to this misconduct that is not addressed by their employers. Harassment victims are often let go or punished for reporting the behavior, instead of their abusers.

A hostile work environment does not have to be tolerated. If the person who has become an object of sexual harassment or discrimination cannot put an end to the behavior they have the option of hiring a sexual harassment lawyer to hold their employers accountable.

No employee has to tolerate unwelcome sexual comments, touching or advances. And a sexual harassment attorney will make certain the abuse ends and the victims get compensated if they have been retaliated against.