Pineville 6/20/2012 1:06:44 AM
News / Law

Oregon Woman Develops Software to Help Divorced Couples with Child Custody Arrangements

An Oregon woman, who herself has been faced with the challenges of divorce and child custody, has developed software to help a couple deal with this issue.

Lynn White divorced her husband in 2007 and stated that dividing up the assets was easy, but she soon realized custody agreements would create problems. She saw and need which led her to develop a tool that helps estranged moms and dads keep track of children together without being together.

On, parents can track visitation dates, appointments, access emergency contact info and pull up custody agreements. In addition to its utilitarian function, the tool also allows the parents to share their children’s school grades, journal entries and photos.

And the name, Divaroo, it’s a combination for divorce and kangaroo, because White’s daughter once said she felt like a kangaroo hoping from mom’s house to dad’s house.

The first challenge an estranged couple and their divorce attorneys face is determining the child custody and visitation rights. This is the most acrimonious issue in a divorce and is often difficult for a couple to come up with an arrangement without sound legal advice.

Since each state has different laws which determine custody agreements and division of assets, couples should hire an Oregon divorce lawyer to assist them with all their divorce issues.

Rarely do divorces go forward without a fight over something whether it is custody or support. Since this is such an emotionally trying time, a divorce attorney in Oregon is necessary to be the voice of reason.