Lima 6/20/2012 3:35:28 AM
News / Law

Ohio Driver Slams into Crowd, Injuring Dozens

Lima, OH- Police are still investigating the cause of an accident, which happened last Friday night, when a 63 year-old woman slammed her car into a large crowd attending a street festival in downtown Lima.

Approximately 30 people were injured, mostly with leg injuries. One man was trapped underneath her vehicle until the crowd was able to lift the car which likely saved his leg from amputation.

Witnesses told police the car plowed through the crowd as they were getting their last round of beer for the evening. Close to 1,000 people were attending the festival which included live music and vendors.

According to police, the woman’s car was parked in a diagonal parking space before she accelerated through the crowd lifting some into the air. Her vehicle traveled 50 ft. going about 20 miles per hour before slamming into a sculpture in the town square.

The driver, whose identity has not been revealed, was not injured. One witness said she looked disoriented.

The man, who was pinned under her car, had to have extensive reconstructive surgery on his leg. This is the worst thing about traffic accidents; the victims often face serious personal injury and a long road to recovery. Their medical costs will accumulate quickly, but an Ohio accident attorney will get the injured the money they need to cover their bills and leave them free of worry so they can focus on recovering.

Accident victims have the choice of suing a person in court or settling with a driver’s insurance company. Whichever route they chose, they will benefit from the representation of an accident lawyer who can maximize their settlement.

If you have been injured by a negligent driver, it is important to contact an Ohio accident lawyer as soon as you are able to assure you get the compensation you deserve.