Don't waste your time waiting for your next structured settlement payment to come in. Sell your structured settlement to AnFed Bank today and get a lump sum payment. Get the money you need now without the wait and sell all or some of your structured settlement payments today.
AnFed bank is one of many
companies that buy structured settlements, but it isn't like most companies that broker structured settlement payments. A lot of other companies buy and sell structured settlements so they can make a large profit. This usually ends up in a lower lump sum payment for the seller and more money for the company.
You shouldn't have to worry about money if you have a structured settlement, but the unfortunate truth is that many still struggle with their finances even with the added income a structured settlement provides. Even if your
structured settlement payments covered the day to day expenses of living, such as housing and transportation, it still doesn't account emergencies. Selling your structured settlement can get you the money you need when you need it so you can handle any financial emergency that may come up.
AnFed Bank isn't interested in reselling your structured settlement when they buy it from you. That's why they are able to offer a higher lump sum payment so you can get the money you need right away.
Sell your structured settlement to AnFed Bank and get the money you need now.