Brentwood, TN 8/10/2009 10:58:50 PM
News / Education

Lortab: The Prescription of Addiction

Learn the ins and outs of the prescription drug Lortab

The drug Lortab is used to treat moderate to severe pain and is a combination of hydrocodone and acetaminophen. The acetaminophen halts the production of prostaglandins which otherwise cause pain. The hyrdrocodone binds to the pain receptors in the brain so that the sensation of pain is reduced. It is the hydrocodone in Lortab which causes addiction.

Lortab comes in three strengths (5, 7.5, and 10 mg) and can be found in tablet, capsule and liquid form. It can either be taken orally by chewing the tablet, injected when in liquid form or snorted. Users who chose snorting will experience the effect much faster than any other administration.

Side effects

Anyone taking Lortab can experience allergic reactions. These include:

·         Hives

·         Difficulty breathing

·         Swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat

·         Impaired thinking and reactions

If taken out of context, Lortab will cause serious side effects. Abusers can experience:

·         Slow heartbeat

·         Fainting

·         Confusion (fear, unusual thoughts or behavior)

·         Seizures

·         Problems with urination

·         Nausea

·         Itching

·         Jaundice

Pair with other substances

In general, drug mixing has become popular in today’s addiction society. This however can create the potential for greater risks. When paired with alcohol, Lortab abuse may increase risk of liver damage. If it is combined with other medications like allergy, pain, sleeping or antidepressant pills, Lortab will add to the sleepiness cause by these medications and could cause slow breathing.

Michael’s House is here to help if you or someone you know has an addiction problem with Lortab or any other drug. Please call 1.877.345.8404.Admissions counselors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer any questions you might have about drug addiction and treatment options.

About Foundations Recovery Network

Foundations Recovery Network is a premier organization for treating persons with addiction and mental health disorders. The company oversees four dual diagnosis treatment centers: Michael’s House in Palm Springs, Calif.; La Paloma in Memphis, Tenn.; and The Canyon in Malibu, Calif.