Los Angeles 8/11/2009 7:00:44 AM
News / Business

PrisonTalk BulletinBoard Bans Wall Street Prison Consultants Founder Larry Levine From Its Website

Prison website discriminates against prison consultant Larry Levine from defending himself from slanderous postings.

While "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" is a right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, it still lacks standing in the world of cyberspace. Apparently, Prisontalk, the prison website blogging system founded by former federal inmate David L. Frisk, has been banning people for defending their character and reputations on his site.

"I'd never even been on their system, until a client called telling me I was being slammed on it; and when I went on to leave a rebuttal posting to defend myself, they banned me" said Larry Levine, a former federal inmate and founder of consulting firm Wall Street Prison Consultants. "And it's not just me, from what I've learned, they have a history of it."

Levine, who was recently issued a cease and desist letter by the New York Stock Exchange which can be seen on the
London Financial Times website, claims Prisontalk, unfairly discriminated against him by letting anonymous users leave derogatory comments about him. "They hide under these aliases like 'Outraged, Zelda50, Bellisq and Jeanniec1' freely slandering people, and the owner, Frisk, who goes under the username FEDEX lets them."

Levine, who's exploring a legal action against Prisontalk and its users, declined to comment on the case, other than, "I guess what I'll do, is leave Prisontalk out of the lawsuit, and then, go after the users leaving the negative postings in the individual capacities. If they're lucky, maybe Frisk will pick up the dime on their legal fees since he's endorsing their actions.