New York 6/26/2012 3:36:45 AM
News / Law

Hedge Fund Manager Sues Ex-wife Over Million Dollar Shoe Collection

New York, NY- When a couple divorces they are supposed to disclose all of their assets, but hedge fund manager Daniel Shak alleges his wife, professional poker player Beth Shak hid her shoe collection from him.

Now Daniel is suing his ex over her 1,200 strong shoe collection which includes 700 pairs of Christian Loubitouns, claiming she failed to disclose the collection three years ago when their divorce was finalized and kept the collection secret. Daniel says he discovered the collection last year.

According to the lawsuit, “Dan trusted his wife and was not inspecting his home to find inventory or ‘secret rooms.’”

Beth says that her husband was aware of her collection which was housed in three closets off the master bedroom. Her shoe collection has been featured on numerous television shows such as MTV’s Cribs and the Today Show. Beth says its “ludicrous” for her ex to say he wasn’t aware of her pump collection, especially since it was in the apartment they shared.

Generally, divorce attorneys do not include clothing or shoes as assets when coming up with a divorce settlement, but the value of Beth’s shoe collection could change their divorce settlement.

Daniel Shak believes he is entitled to 35 percent of the value of her collection, roughly $350,000. When one spouse fails to disclose assets amid dissolution, they can have their settlement adjusted if challenged by a divorce lawyer.

Child custody and property division are the two main reasons for an estranged couple to hire expert divorce attorneys who will work diligently to make certain their clients get a favorable settlement.