Helena 6/27/2012 3:20:14 AM
News / Business

World War II Vet Forced From Home amid Bankruptcy

The story of World War II Veteran, Warren Bodeker should serve as a cautionary tale for people looking to stave off foreclosure through bankruptcy and emphasizes the need to hire a reputable bankruptcy attorney.

Bodeker is now going to lose his home that he built in Plains because he had to declare bankruptcy after his, now deceased, wife got seriously ill.

Bodeker, who is suffering from prostate cancer, says his home and the 10 acres it sits on is worth at least $300,000, but his bankruptcy trustee is selling the property for $155,000, leaving Boedeker with no money.

Bodeker’s story went viral after Oathkeepers posted his story online, which demonized the bankruptcy judge’s decision to sell his home. On the Oahtkeeper’s site, Bodeker stated that he was going to be forced to exhume his wife’s body which is buried on the land.

And though the story is sad, Bodeker’s bankruptcy attorney Christy Brandon said that he mischaracterized the court proceedings, insisting that he gave up his homestead rights. Brandon also stated she never suggested he exhume his wife’s body.

The judge presiding Bodeker’s case said that debt protection “carries burdens as well as benefits. The judge also noted that Bodeker hid assets, which includes $66,000 worth of gold and silver buried on the land.

Bankruptcy gives people who are indebted to mortgage companies or other lenders the chance to reduce or eliminate some of their debts. But there are aspects to the process that may be difficult to face. Before making this important decision, the person looking to this as a solution should consult with a bankruptcy lawyer to outline the good and bad aspects of a bankruptcy filing.