New York 6/28/2012 3:13:33 AM
News / Entertainment

Rapper 50 Cent Injured After Being Struck by a Mack Truck

Rapper 50 Cent, real name Curtis Jackson, was involved in an accident late Monday night which resulted in some minor injuries and a short hospital visit.

Jackson’s bullet-proof SUV was traveling along the Long Island Expressway when a loaded Mack truck hit it from behind. The New York Post reported that the impact was so severe that it almost caused his SUV to flip over.

The Mack truck driver told police that his load shifted causing his to lose control. He also said that traffic suddenly slowed down in front of him and he was unable to stop in time to avoid collision.

Fifty was taken away on a stretcher wearing a neck brace. His neck and back injuries were minor and he was released from the hospital a short time later. His driver was also injured.

Since 50 Cent is familiar with lawsuits, having been sued before, he may consider initiating one of his own against the truck driver.

Driving a large truck takes skill and requires the driver to take extra precautions to prevent a traffic accident. When any driver causes injury to another driver, an accident attorney will hold them accountable for their negligence.

Accident attorneys make their client’s present and future well-being their top priority and will fight diligently to get the victim a large settlement, either through negotiations with an insurance company or a lawsuit.

Traffic accident victims don’t have to struggle to pay their medical bills and everyday expenses if they find an accomplished accident attorney to work on their case.