Birmingham 6/28/2012 3:18:27 AM
News / Law

Supreme Court Decision Jeopardizes Alabama Immigration Law

Monday’s Supreme Court decision, limiting the ability of states from enacting immigration laws could jeopardize the even tougher laws passed in Alabama.

Alabama’s immigration law, which is also being challenged in federal courts, is considered much tougher than Arizona’s. Under Alabama’s law it is considered a crime to rent property to illegal immigrants and requires that colleges and universities check the legal status of students.

Advocates and immigration attorneys in Alabama were delighted by the Supreme Court’s decision. The Supreme Court clearly showed that immigration enforcement is the federal government’s job, but still allowed the provision which gives police the right to detain and inquire about a person’s immigration status.

Georgia, South Carolina, Indiana and Utah have passed their own immigration laws modeled after Arizona’s, but it is unclear whether other federal challenges will decide in their favor.

It is becoming increasingly important for undocumented immigrants to get the necessary papers, facilitated by an immigration lawyer, to prevent themselves from being detained or deported.

Critics of Alabama’s law say that it has already led to racial profiling and is adversely affecting the state’s agriculture industry, which depends on both legal and illegal labor at harvest time.

Immigration reform is much needed, but it is a complex issue that will take years for our lawmakers to craft. Until there is comprehensive reform, many immigrants are at risk and targets for deportation. Any immigration attorney can lay out a pathway for an immigrant to have a legal presence and allow them the chance to live in the country without fear.