Washington 6/29/2012 3:13:01 AM
News / Entertainment

U.S. Representative Brings Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez into Fight over Arizona Immigration Law

Americans are obsessed with pop culture and celebrities. And in order to make a point about the risks of racial profiling in Arizona’s immigration law, Illinois Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D) brought teen darlings, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, into the debate over the “papers please” provision.

Wednesday on the House floor, Gutierrez brought out two posters of Beiber and Gomez and asked his fellow representatives to pick out the immigrant.

In an impassioned speech, Gutierrez said, “These young people have overcome their very different national origins and become an apparently happy couple. I’m sure Justin helped Gomez learn all about American customs and feel more at home in her adopted country.”

“Oh wait minute, I’m sorry,” Gutierrez continued, “Because I’m not a trained Arizona official, I somehow got that backwards. Actually Ms. Gomez of Texas has helped Mr. Beiber of Canada learn about his adopted country. Justin when you play in Phoenix, remember to bring your papers.”

No doubt, that Justin Beiber doesn’t have to be concerned about his legal status because he most likely has already gone through the legal process with the help of an immigration attorney.

While Gutierrez was being hyperbolic, he was making a valid point about allowing police to determine whether a person is an illegal immigrant by appearance alone. And though lawmakers in Arizona insist that they will not racially profile, there is that risk.

Anyone who wishes to become an American citizen must go through the proper channels or risk deportation. An immigration attorney can simplify this process and make increase their chances of becoming documented.

Immigration lawyers are instrumental in getting the necessary legal documents such as a HB-1 or work visas migrants and pave the way for eventual citizenship.