Oakland 6/29/2012 3:28:46 AM
News / Law

Raiders Receiver, Heyward-Bey, Appears in Court for DUI

Oakland Raiders wide receiver Darrius Heyward-Bey appeared in court Thursday to face charges of misdemeanor DUI stemming from an April arrest. But he may be able to beat the charge altogether since his dui attorney is challenging the arrest over procedural problems.

On April 7th, police stopped Heyward-Bey on the Golden Gate Bridge for driving slightly above speed limit and weaving. According to a chemical test at the scene his blood alcohol level was .13, but a breathalyzer, taken an hour later, showed his BAC was .12, both above the legal limit.

But his attorney, Ivan Golde, says that police failed to follow proper procedures during the arrest and could get Heyward-Bey’s charge dropped.

“After investigating all the procedures and all the chain of events it appears not everything was done according to rule of law, and there may be some questions that need to go before a jury,” Golde said.

DUI lawyers often challenge a drunk driving offense by determining if the arresting officer followed the correct procedures. Police have a list of technical requirements they must follow to charge a person for any crime.

An intoxicated driving conviction often carries a jail term and suspension of driving privileges, this can jeopardize a person’s job along with costing them thousands of dollars in fines. It is possible to minimize the effects with the representation of DUI attorney, who will do everything in their power to prevent their clients from being convicted.