Washington 6/30/2012 2:59:35 AM
News / Law

Obamacare and Bankruptcy

It’s no secret to any American that our medical system is broken and fixing it is a monumental task. Millions go uninsured with no care at all. And for those that have insurance aren’t doing any better, because they struggle to pay high medical costs and face being kicked off of their insurance at any time.

In fact, over half of the people in this country, who need bankruptcy attorneys, do so because of their overwhelming medical costs. This was one of the broken parts of the American medical system Obamacare, as it is referred to by its detractors, was meant to prevent.

The Affordable Care Act eliminates the caps on lifetime medical benefits imposed by the majority of insurance companies. People who have a chronic illness, such as cancer or multiple sclerosis are often asked premiums they cannot afford. They can be denied coverage simply because they got sick. If they already have a pre-existing condition an insurer will still be required to cover them.

These are popular and have been enacted since the Affordable Care Act was signed.

While this policy may not be perfect, it is a small step to balancing the scales. And giving more people access to health insurance so they no longer place a burden on the system, which is the driver of rising medical costs. American medical care costs two to three times more than other industrialized nations because of this.

Bankruptcy attorneys help many people who face financial ruin because they had the misfortune of becoming ill. With their help they get protection from their creditors and stop collection activities.

Although, Obamacare won’t entirely eliminate the need for bankruptcy attorneys, it can help many get the care they need but can’t get because it is unaffordable.