New York 7/4/2012 2:58:49 AM
News / Law

A Happy Fourth of July Starts with Road Safety

The Fourth of July is a proud day for Americans, and, in order to celebrate our nation’s birth, millions of people will be hitting the roads to visit family, attend barbeques and watch firework displays. But with so many people on the roads, they can become hazardous, highlighting the importance of taking safety precautions to prevent traffic accidents.

According to a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, more fatal accidents occur on the Fourth of July than any other day of the year. On this day alone, an average of 148 Americans will lose their lives in an accident.

And a traffic accident can entails costly medical or repair bills. These victims may see no other recourse than to hire an accident attorney to seek compensation for their pain and suffering.

A majority of accidents are caused by negligence on the part of one or more drivers, mechanical failures also contribute. Thousands of people lose their lives or are seriously injured by people, who are speeding, distracted by their cell phone, and drunken drivers.

Before heading out on your Independence Day celebrations make certain your vehicle is safe to drive. Have a mechanic check for any potential safety hazards or mechanical problems

No one intends to kill or injure another when they send that text message or take that phone call, but it happens, and frequently. Just taking your eyes of the road for one moment can cause a tragedy. If you are too intoxicated to drive call a cab, friend or family member.

Though many people hit the roads with safety in mind, there will still be many accidents. If you have the misfortune of being involved in a personal injury accident, you should be aware that an accident lawyer will fight to make certain the associated costs don’t come out of your pocket.

Most drivers have car insurance, health insurance, or Medicare, but even with coverage it is often not enough to cover the high cost of medical care. Accident attorneys will help you bridge the financial gap by holding the negligent driver responsible for their careless actions.