Fresno 7/4/2012 3:09:32 AM
News / Law

California Vineyard Settles Sexual Harassment Claim for $350K

Giumarra Vineyard, one of country’s largest grape growers, has settled a federal sexual harassment lawsuit for $350,000.

According to the complaint filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, a 17 year-old farm worker was subjected to repeated harassment which included unwanted touching, abusive and offensive sexual comments, and sexual advances.

The young women and four of her co-workers reported the behavior to supervisors, but the five women were all fired the very next day. Sexual harassment attorneys refer to this behavior as retaliation, which is strictly forbidden by federal law and grounds for a lawsuit.

Giumarra Vineyards employs close to 3,000 migrant workers. As part of the settlement, the produce grower agreed to revamp their harassment reporting procedures and provide sexual harassment and anti-discrimination training to their employees. The EEOC will monitor the vineyard for three years to be certain they have developed a training program and be sure they continue to comply with the ruling.

People who are subjected to the hostile work environment that sexual harassment creates often feel powerless to stop the abuse, especially if they are migrant workers. Employers often dismiss the allegations and refuse to take action against the abusive employee. If this happens, the subject of harassment must turn to a sexual harassment lawyer to speak for them.

Victims of sexual harassment endure significant emotional distress. They will lose wages or even their jobs. These harassment victims deserve to be compensated for their treatment and a sexual harassment attorney will be able to maximize their final settlement.