One of the newest developments in online marketing and advertising is the virtual spokesperson. Designed as a similar model to that of traditional television and cable, the online spokesperson relies upon an appropriate personality for the effective presentation.
There is no doubt that videos are exceedingly popular on the Internet. From YouTube to other sites developed to display entertainment content, marketers have discovered the power of video advertising. It is also much more affordable, in comparison to traditional television and cable advertising, internet advertising through videos is significantly cheaper.
On the heels of the revolution of online video advertising, the industry of the online virtual spokesperson is quickly growing into its own marketing niche. Online marketers have recognized the opportunities that video provides, such as the ability to promote websites, products, and services in a viral capacity, with very little up front investment.
The most effective online marketing strategies now include some form of video, whether through an entertainment or infotainment outlet, or as part of a website's immediate advertising campaign. Videos offer a flexible, breathable and robust platform that uses the latest technology in the most effective ways. Dollar for dollar, they provide one of the best returns on investment available in advertising and marketing today.
Marketing that employs video includes a variety of customized solutions according to each client, what their message is, and how they would like to tie that to their products and services. As a method to enhance sales leads, nothing really compares to the visual power of videos.
A skilled virtual web spokesperson can demonstrate a level of expertise that is far more effective than the written word. Videos are faster and more easy to digest, and therefore, far more useful in marketing, using images and motion graphics.
Marketing videos can also be uploaded to major and popular websites such as YouTube and other sites for video sharing. It is also easy to adjust, update, and refresh a branding image according to how the client evolves. Thus, the video method also facilitates a higher level of client retention.
High quality videos have a greater potential to rank well with search engines because of their viral qualities. Many careers have been launched using YouTube. For example, Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber. In addition, web series such as “Web Therapy” and “Funny or Die” have been picked up by major TV and cable networks as part of their show lineups. In fact, video marketing is so effective that it is estimated to expand exponentially in the next few years.
Videos featuring professional and expert spokespeople also engage social media response more efficiently and easily. Effective social networking is another essential component to any online marketing campaign. Web visitors are more likely to be inspired to comment on video advertising that is engaging, than to a written long-winded explanation about a product or service.
Customer trends have indicated that consumer feedback on videos can be an essential tool for marketing to new or potential clients. The easiest and most effective way that any business can produce a high quality video is by having a professional virtual spokesperson in place to best convey their branding message. In this way, companies can also more effectively connect with existing and future customers.