New York 7/6/2012 10:01:25 PM
News / Law

Pradaxa Bleeding Claims Being Reviewed by Attorneys

The attorneys working with are reviewing claims on behalf of Pradaxa users who suffered serious or life-threatening bleeding episodes to help determine if legal action is viable. Reports have surfaced that bleeding events in Pradaxa users have the potential to be fatal, as no simple antidote exists to reverse its anticlotting effects. Essentially, it has been suggested that once a Pradaxa user starts bleeding after a fall or other trauma, the bleed may become difficult or impossible to stop.  

The drug’s manufacturer, Boehringer Ingelheim, is currently facing allegations that they failed to properly warn patients and doctors about the drug’s lack of a reversal agent and that this irreversibility can have potentially life-threatening consequences. If your loved one suffered serious bleeding, including cerebral hemorrhaging, while taking Pradaxa, you may be able to hold the drug maker accountable for your losses. To find out more about your eligibility for compensation, visit and complete the free case review form. 

On Dec. 7, 2011, the FDA announced that it would be evaluating reports of serious bleeding events in Pradaxa users. Bleeding is a well-known complication of anticoagulants like Pradaxa, but the FDA is looking to determine whether bleeding episodes in Pradaxa users are occurring more frequently than should be expected. The FDA stated that the Pradaxa label already includes a warning about sometimes-fatal bleeds and asked that patients who suffer from unusual gum bleeding, frequent nose bleeds, pink or brown urine or episodes of coughing up or vomiting blood seek immediate medical care. 

A number of lawsuits have been filed against the maker of Pradaxa on behalf of patients who suffered serious or fatal bleeds while taking the drug. One of these lawsuits was filed by a Tennessee resident who claims his father passed away as a result of his use of the drug. According to the lawsuit, the man was prescribed Pradaxa in Feb. 2011 and several months later, died after suffering bleeding in his gastrointestinal system. His son’s lawsuit alleges that the bleed was worsened by the drug and that Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals knew or should have known about the potential for such serious complications.  

A motion has been filed to consolidate all existing Pradaxa lawsuits and any future cases to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois. This would allow plaintiffs the opportunity to combine their efforts to hold Boehringer Ingelheim, et al. accountable for their alleged wrongful conduct and to have their cases resolved more efficiently and consistently. If your loved one suffered a serious bleeding event while taking Pradaxa, you may be able to file a claim against the manufacturer to recover compensation for medical bills, funeral costs (in cases of death), and other damages. For more information and a free evaluation of your claim, please visit today. 

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