New York 7/7/2012 3:01:22 AM
News / Law

Tragic Fourth of July Yacht Accident Highlights the Importance of Boating Safety

What was supposed to be a fun day on the water led to tragedy on Fourth of July when a yacht, carrying 27 passengers, capsized, causing the death of three children.

The man at the helm was Sal Aurelino, and had invited family and friends to join him on the newly purchased yacht for an Independence Day festivities on Oyster Bay. But the day ended up tragic.

Three children were killed including Aurelino’s nephew, 12 year-old David and two girls, Haley Treanor, 11, and Victoria Gaines, 8. The remaining 24 passenger both children and adults were rescued from the water.

Aurelino blames the accident on a rogue wave,which hit the boat, tossing it around and eventually capsizing it. Officials are still investigating the accident and believe the weather played a part, but they also emphasized the fact that Aurelino didn’t take the proper measures to assure the safety of his passengers.

The vessel was 34 ft. long and according to boating safety authorities there should have been a maximum of 15 passengers on the boat. With too much weight, a boat could capsize by simply making a turn.

All boats should have one life jacket for every passenger, according to federal law. It is unclear if Aurelino had and adequate amount of life jackets. 

And no one should be in control of a water craft after consuming alcohol.

When a tragedy can be prevented by following a few simple rules, an accident attorney can hold a negligent boat captain responsible for their failure to protect the safety of their passengers.

Accidents on the roads and waterways are unavoidable. But sometimes these accidents are the cause of a careless individual. The victims of accidents often face unnecessary costs which they can seek to recover by retaining an accident lawyer.

If you have been injured in an accident or lost a loved one you have the right to seek compensation. With the help of an accident attorney you will be able to obtain a just settlement.