Atlanta, Ga. 8/13/2009 5:12:21 AM
News / Law

Lockerbie Bomber Expected to be Released Next Week

Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, the man convicted in connection to the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, is expected to be released from a Scottish prison next week.


It is believed Megrahi will be transferred back to Libya due to health reasons; he is reported to be suffering from terminal prostate cancer and Scottish justice secretary Kenny MacAskill determined the 56-year-old should be released on compassionate grounds.


Megrahi, who is serving a life sentence, has always proclaimed his innocence in the bombing that killed 270 people and had filed an appeal to his conviction yet that appeal would have to be dropped before the Scottish courts would be allowed to release him.


The former Libyan intelligence agent had requested a release from his prison sentence in October 2008 on compassionate grounds but that appeal was denied by the Appeal Court after it was determined that he could still live for several years with proper medical attention.




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