Lufkin 7/12/2012 3:09:05 AM
News / Law

Texas Buffalo Wild Wings Manager Sues Restaurant for Retaliation

A female hospitality manager for a Lufkin area Buffalo Wild Wings alleges she was fired because she refused to participate in inappropriate behavior.

Michelle J. Kromer filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Texas Big wings Inc. on July 3rd. Her sexual harassment attorney is seeking compensation for lost wages and benefits, interest and lawyer’s fees.

Kromer was hired in 2010 as the hospitality manager and claims that a co-worker began to sexually harass her.

When she complained about the abuse no action was taken and instead her supervisor told her “to play along.” Kromer alleges that when it became obvious she wasn’t going to play along she was fired.

The company stated that she was fired for unauthorized use of a restaurant gift card, but Kromer states this was only a pretext to her termination and blowing the whistle about the harassment was the real reason she was let go.

Retaliation is a common issue in case of sexual harassment. Employees generally just want to put an end to the hostile work environment but employers frequently fail to take these allegations seriously and instead punish the accuser. These harassment and retaliation victims have little other choice than to seek out the help of a sexual harassment lawyer.

No employees should have to tolerate this type of sexual abuse. It creates anxiety and emotional distress. Sexual harassment attorneys want to make certain that employees are not ignored or abused and will work to stop the behavior and hold their supervisor accountable for allowing the behavior to persist.