Waikiki 7/12/2012 3:13:31 AM
News / Law

University of Hawaii Warriors Net another DUI Arrest

A third player for the University of Hawaii has been arrested for DUI in a 100 day period, two of which occurred in the past two weeks.

The most recent arrest involves the Warrior’s punter Alex Dunnachie, a native of Australia, who was arrested on Saturday for suspicion of drunk driving.

Dunnachie was arrest around 2 a.m. just two miles from the college campus. He posted a $500 bond and was released later.

In March, junior quarterback Cayman Shutter was arrested for intoxicated driving. And three weeks ago backup junior linebacker Reid Tichibana was arrested for the same charge.

Shutter pleaded guilty to his charge and was suspended from the first four games of the 2012 season by Coach Norm Chow. 

One in five college students binge drink, according to the NCAA so it’s not surprising that a college athlete would get a DUI. But this charge will end up on their permanent record and negatively impact their future, making it crucial to avoid a conviction through the representation of an accomplished DUI attorney.

When a person is arrested for suspicion of drunk driving there are a number of defense strategies that DUI lawyers have in their arsenals to challenge a drunk driving charge, or at the very least have the charges reduced.

Even if a DUI attorney cannot stop a conviction, they will be able to appeal to the courts in order to get their clients a reduced sentences and fines. Having a legal expert on your side during all phases of this legal headache is highly recommended.