On Thursday’s season premiere of Big Brother 14, team Britney won the first HOH competition and Britney chose Willie to be HOH. The live feeds show Willie nominated Frank and Kara for eviction.
The beginning of an alliance between coaches Britney and Janelle appears to be forming thanks to Frank’s nomination. They both view Frank as a threat and want him evicted. Britney and Janelle are also united in their dislike of Mike Boogie.
While Britney and Janelle work to turn the house against Frank, Mike Boogie is working overtime to save him. Willie appears to be on board with keeping Frank. The only sure way to keep Frank in the game is the Power of Veto. Players for the POV have already been chosen. In addition to Frank and Kara, Danielle, Shane and Wil will compete. JoJo was chosen to host the competition.
It appears that Kara will most likely go home in the event Frank is removed from the block by the POV. Kara’s eviction will mean Team Dan is down to one player – Danielle.
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