New York 7/14/2012 3:24:38 AM
News / Law

Manager of Women’s Organization Accused of Female-on-Female Harassment

The female manager of a woman’s organization has been described as “butt-obsessed” and is being accused of grabbing, slapping and pinching the backsides of female colleagues in a sexual harassment lawsuit.

Two women, who worked for the National Association of Professional Women in Garden City, Long Island, stated their supervisor Krissy Demonte subjected them to sexual harassment on a daily basis.

The allegations stated that Demonte made a bee-line to their buttocks and touched, slapped and grabbed their bottoms every day. Demonte also called them names such as “vixen,” “cutie,” and “hottie” along with “bitch,” “a**hole” and “dirtbag.”

The organization was meant to empower women in the workplace, but instead created a hostile work environment that was less than empowering where the women were treated like sex objects.

The accusers, Crystal Alexander and Monique McCabe, retained a sexual harassment attorney to file a suit after Demonte retaliated against them after they complained to the company’s human resources department.

Demonte became hostile and wrote the women up for frivolous acts, the two women allege.

Sexual harassment lawyers are familiar with the abuses many women and men face in the workplace and this case shows that no environment is immune to inappropriate sexual behavior.

Harassment affects the abused along with the workplace in general. When employees engage in this type of behavior they make their employers vulnerable to lawsuits when the abused seek out sexual harassment attorneys to sue them for emotional distress.