Miami, FL 7/17/2012 2:59:55 AM
News / Law

Floridians Increasingly Favor Leniency for Immigrants, Poll Shows

Legal and illegal immigration is one of the many issues that Americans will consider when they head to the polls this November. And while both President Obama and Mitt Romney are in agreement that the system is in need of reform, they diverge on how to do it. Now a new poll shows that Floridians favor the more lenient immigration measures instituted by President Obama.

The Mason Dixon Poll/ News 13 Poll showed that 66 percent of Floridians favor immigration reforms proposed by the current administration such as the DREAM Act. This law came before Congress in 2010, but failed to pass because it was viewed as amnesty for immigrants.

 Recently, much to the ire of anti-immigration groups and Republican lawmakers, Obama announced deferred action for young immigrants, giving them two years to have an immigration attorney obtain them a work or student visa. They can attend school, get a job, or serve in the military without fear that they will deported, making it possible for them to apply for citizenship.

Only 28 percent of those polled oppose the more lenient immigration reforms with 6 percent undecided.  

Latinos are key swing vote in Florida which is also a swing state, and this poll is promising for President Obama’s reelection campaign.

Immigration is a serious issue and many people from politicians to immigration lawyers and advocates are calling for comprehensive reform. Though the DREAM Act and deferred action are not the only solution for a growing problem it is a step in the right direction, giving hope to many young people who were brought into the U.S. illegally and unwittingly by their parents.

Thought the task of having a legal presence may be daunting to a hopeful immigrant they should at least try. Immigration attorneys can make this process less difficult and increase their chances of getting the legal documents they need to work and live in the states.