Atlanta 7/17/2012 5:38:46 AM
News / Entertainment

Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Power of Veto Competition and Ceremony Results

As Head of Household, Willie nominated Frank and Kara for eviction. The motive behind the nominations is to weaken Dan and Boogie’s teams by nominating their strongest players. Willie initially made a deal with Frank, but he broke their agreement with the nominations.

In addition to the HOH and the two nominees, Shane, Danielle and Wil competed in the Power of Veto competition. Shane won the POV and chose not to use it. Frank and Kara remain on the block and the house seems to go back and forth on who will go home.

Britney and Janelle were initially pushing to target Frank, but now they think it may be a good idea to send Kara so Dan will be down to just one player - Danielle. Britney and Janelle’s teams hold the majority vote, so if no one flips their alliance will decide who goes home on Thursday.


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