After a short recap of the season by Emily and a promo of the next season of Bachelor Pad, Chris Harrison got down to business on the Men Tell All special. He introduces the guys first and then launches into talking about the season’s drama.
The highlights:
Chris and Doug rehash their argument over Doug saying guys in their 20s are less mature than older guys.
Kalon defends his helicopter arrival. "If anybody else had arrived that way, I would have been extremely interested to hear their story,” he says.
The guys attack Kalon for his superior attitude and for calling Emily’s daughter Ricki “baggage.” The luxury consultant defends himself again, saying he did know Emily was the Bachelorette. He goes on to say that Emily having a daughter was a big “issue,” but he thought leaving before the show started would show bad character.
Ryan uses his time in the hot seat to promote the idea of becoming the next Bachelor, but Chris shoots him down saying, “Not gonna happen.” Ryan also defends his trophy wife comments. “I’m looking for a prize,” he says.
Sean finally gets closure from Emily. "I want you to know that I watched the episode and literally sat in my room and did, like, the ugly cry -- ugly, ugly, ugly, cry. And everything that I felt for you was so true and so genuine,” Emily tells the Texas native.
Kalon makes a half-hearted apology about his baggage comment, but Emily is not buying it. "You, my dear, should be a politician, because that is the biggest load of (expletive) I've ever heard.” She later adds, "The true sign of class and character is to go back and say, 'I'm really sorry I did that.' I just hope that you find faith in something bigger than your Prada shoes and your rented helicopter.”
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