Beside the API, ResellersPanel
has also launched Liquid Plan Builder – a web hosting tool, which allows the
resellers to create their own hosting plans and then resell them. It is now
available in the Free Reseller Program’s Control Panel and is fully compatible
with all the website templates currently supported by ResellersPanel. Each web
hosting plan must include the following components: Disk space, Traffic, Hosted
domains and E-mail boxes. They must have values different from 0. The Liquid
Plan Builder-created hosting plans can be offered via the API.
Nick Blaskov, CFO of
ResellersPanel, said that by using the API software to create accounts for
their customers, the resellers gain the opportunity to have a billing gateway
of their own, thus keeping a direct connection with the customers, and that the
Liquid Plan Builder gives the resellers an unprecedented opportunity to create
unlimited unique hosting plans, consistent with the goals of their marketing
campaigns, and offer them directly on their online stores – something, which
makes the Liquid Plan Builder an indivisible part of ResellersPanel’s fully
automated reseller solution – the Free Reseller Program.
Contact ResellersPanel at:
LiquidNet Ltd.
28 Kersfield House
1 800 574 0902 US TOLL FREE
+1 510 870 2470 International
+44 (0)20 7993 2768 United Kingdom