Madison 7/19/2012 3:48:45 AM
News / Law

Wisconsin McDonald’s Owner Settles Sexual Harassment Suit for $1 Million

Madison, WI- A Wisconsin company that owns 25 McDonald’s franchises in the south-central region agreed to pay 12 employees $1 million to settle a sexual harassment and retaliation lawsuit.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a federal suit against Missoula Mac. Inc. in April of 2011 after 12 former employees reported pervasive sexual harassment, according to the Associated Press.

The female employees allege that male co-workers subjected them to repeated harassment at a Reedsburg location. The lawsuit stated that, the men made inappropriate sexual comments along with kissing, touching the women’s genitals, and forcing them to women to touch their private parts.

The abuse was so pervasive that one woman was forced to quit. Two other women were fired after they reported the behavior.

Retaliation is so common when a person, male or female, reports incidents of harassment that they find it necessary to retain a sexual harassment attorney to obtain compensation for lost wages and emotional distress.

Workers who are sexually abused often feel powerless and are fearful of reporting the misconduct. Instead of addressing the harassment or punishing the harasser, employers take action against the person who reports it. These people see no other alternative than to hire sexual harassment attorney and hold the employer accountable for their lack of concern or action.

A hostile work environment should not have to be tolerated; it is detrimental to the welfare of all employees. When necessary, a sexual harassment lawyer can force an employer to recognize harassment and take steps to prevent future incidents.