NASA hasn’t sent an astronaut to the moon since 1972 but if they have their way they will begin colonizing Earth’s only natural satellite by 2020. According to plans unveiled yesterday NASA intends to set up a residence for small group of astronauts on the moon within the next 13 years.
The groups, comprised of four-person crews, will initially stay for about a week, with the duration expected to extend after power and necessary supplies are permanently in place. NASA’s would expect an adequate infrastructure for permanent residency to be achieved by 2024.
Plans indicate that a settlement will be made on the south pole region of the moon. That area provides adequate sunlight to generate solar power. The area is also believed to be rich in helium-3, a gas that could be used for nuclear power fuel.
While the first seven years of the plan involve setting up a permanent residency, by 2027 NASA intends on having a vehicle that will allow the residents to explore larger areas of the moon.
NASA has not put a price tag on their plans but last year they estimated that it would cost $104 billion just to get to the moon on their first trip.
The colonization of the moon is seen as the first step in manned missions to Mars. Earlier last week Stephen Hawking, winner of the Royal Society’s Copley Medal, had said the only way for our civilization to continue would be by establishing independent colonies outside of our single planet.