Atlanta 7/19/2012 10:51:08 PM
News / Entertainment

Big Brother 14 Week 1 POV Recap: Boogie Overplays His Hand

While Dan and Boogie are finally catching on to Britney and Janelle’s alliance, the girls are gloating over how easy it has been to target Dan and Boogie’s teams. The girls successfully convinced HOH Willie to nominate Dan and Boogie’s strongest players – Kara and Frank. If the Power of Veto is not used, it will guarantee that the guys are down another player and Britney and Janelle’s alliance will hold the numbers.

Meanwhile, Boogie and Dan agree they have to work together to get Britney and Janelle out of the game. That will mean convincing their teams to stick together and go after Britney and Janelle’s teams.

Frank decides his best course of action is to make sure he is still in Willie’s good graces. He promises Willie that he won’t go after him next week. Willie admits he is just concerned about Boogie trying to get him out. Frank knows his only hope is the POV.

Boogie has a sit down with Britney to try to gauge how loyal she is to Janelle. Britney lies and says she would have no problem putting one of Janelle’s players on the block. Boogie then makes the mistake of threatening Britney. He tells her that if the POV is used and one of Janelle’s players is not the replacement nominee he will go after her. Britney then tells Janelle everything and the two have a good laugh over Boogie.

Boogie overplays his hand when he goes to Janelle about teaming up to knock Dan out of the game. Janelle lets Dan in on Boogie’s offer and it looks like Boogie will lose Dan as an ally.

Shane, Danielle and Wil were randomly drawn to compete in the POV competition with the HOH and nominees. The laundromat-themed challenge requires the players to search through bubbles for giant coins which they will toss into a small slot in their vending machine. The house guest to reach $1.30 first wins the POV. It comes down to Frank and Shane. Shane pulls through for the win.

Both Frank and Kara do their best to convince Shane to use the veto, but Shane decides to leave the nominations the same at the POV ceremony. Either Frank or Kara will be evicted from the Big Brother house on tonight’s live episode.


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