Alameda County 7/20/2012 3:37:48 AM
News / Law

Attorney Says Marshawn Lynch Could Beat DUI Charge

The dui attorney representing Seattle Seahawks’ Marshawn Lynch said there was “ a better that 50 percent chance” that his client wasn’t intoxicated when he was arrested for suspicion of drunk driving over the weekend.

Police allege that Lynch was drunk when they stopped him early Saturday morning for weaving in and out of traffic lanes on an Oakland Highway. They also stated that he almost hit two cars before he was stopped.

After he submitted to several field sobriety tests police arrested Lynch. He was given two separate blood alcohol tests which gave conflicting results. One test showed his blood alcohol content was .08 while one taken 40 minutes later registered his blood alcohol content at .10.

Lynch was officially charged with DUI Wednesday. And a conviction could result in his suspension from the NFL.

“There’s a better than 50 percent chance he’s .06 to .07 (in blood alcohol content),” said his attorney Iva Golde, “Those test have a margin of error. Science is there to prove it.”

Contesting the results of a blood alcohol test is among the many defense strategies DUI lawyers use to help their clients beat a DUI conviction, since it is a serious charge with tough penalties.

Dui penalties can land a person in jail and saddle them with heavy fines along with going on their records. It’s worth the money to hire a DUI attorney to build a strong case a stop a person from being convicted of drunk driving.