A drama filled first week in the Big Brother house came to a close last night with a live eviction and HOH competition. Flash backs from the week showed crumbling alliances and the first fight of the season.
The episode opens after the nomination ceremony in which HOH Willie put Frank and Kara on the block. Frank is shocked because he and Willie made a deal to not target each other, so he decides to assure Willie that he wants them to still work together. Willie promises that he will get the votes to keep Frank safe and send Kara packing.
Willie meets with the rest of the Team Britney and Team Janelle alliance to talk about who should go home. The consensus is that Kara should go home because Dan, her coach, is a smart player. Willie and Coach Britney want to split the votes between Frank and Kara so it isn’t so obvious that a solid alliance has been formed.
The drama starts after Britney tells Willie she believes the coaches will enter the game to play at some point because there are key holes next to their pictures on the memory wall. Britney makes him promise not to tell anyone, but paranoia sets in and Willie calls a coach free meeting to let everyone in on her speculation. Willie’s warning doesn’t seem to faze most of the houseguests; Joe tells him to stop playing to hard so soon and Wil declares he is taking a break from game talk for 24 hours.
During a talk with Frank later, Willie does an impression of Wil saying he is taking a break. Frank doesn’t like it and somehow twists it into Willie mocking Wil for being gay. When Joe comes to Frank with the information about Willie wanting the votes split, it’s the last straw. Frank starts badmouthing Willie and spreading talk about Willie allegedly mocking Wil. Britney warns Willie about what is being said, so Willie rushes downstairs to confront Frank. A curse-filled fight ensues. The basics of the fight are Willie is mad that Frank is talking behind his back, and Frank is mad about Willie mocking Wil and splitting the votes. The argument causes fractures in the Team Britney-Team Janelle alliance. Most everyone is now against Willie and with Frank.
At the live eviction, Kara is sent packing by a 5 to 3 vote. JoJo, Shane and Danielle voted to evict Frank while Joe, Ian, Jenn, Wil and Ashley voted to evict Kara.
The night before eviction day the houseguests were informed a burglar broke into the Big Brother house. Updates on the robbery were shown throughout the night on the living room TV. For the HOH competition, the houseguests had to answer questions about the updates. It comes down to Wil and Frank. Frank becomes the second Head of Household of the season.
After the competition, Julie Chen gathers the houseguests and coaches in the living room to reveal a new twist. Chen says the coach that win’s the coaches challenge this week can chose to either keep one of their players safe, or trade one of their player’s for another player of their choice. Only the HOH is excluded from the trade.
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