Denham Springs, LA 8/18/2009 8:03:49 AM
News / Education

Drug Prevention Vital In Obama's Plans For Drug Control

According to a recent study, Americans are four times more likely to use cocaine, than any other country. In addition, the average age of first marijuana use is 14 and alcohol use can start before age 12. And the Drug Enforcement Administration reports that most illegal drugs are smuggled into the United States from out of the country with one main source coming up recently – Mexico.


To curb this ever-growing problem the government is working with Mexico, and even the President has stepped in explaining in a recent CNN report that not only do we have to encourage Mexico to strengthen their policies; we have to reduce the demand of drugs from U.S. citizens.


But as we watch our loved ones fall prey to the devastation of addiction, there are things that, we as citizens can do right now.


Two of those things are drug prevention and rehabilitation which are also key elements in Obama's discussion on handling the drug problem from the border. Handling the amount of people addicted to illegal drugs is a job for rehabilitation facilities as well as citizens who have loved ones that are struggling with substance abuse issues. And drug prevention is something that we call can do, to help stop new people from using drugs. Narconon Louisiana


One facility that is a leader in both drug rehabilitation and prevention is Narconon Louisiana and the program has been at the forefront of both since 1966.


Jeff Lukas, Executive Director of, explains what makes the Narconon program so different from the traditional rehabilitation facilities, "We do not subscribe to the idea that addiction is a disease. Instead we focus on the underlying issues that caused the person to use drugs or alcohol in the first place. Once these are isolated and handled, the individual no longer feels the need to use drugs of alcohol as a solution to a problem."


In addition to handling the mental and physical aspects of addiction, Narconon Louisiana uses a unique detoxification method to handle the physical aspect. Students of the program undergo sessions in a dry heat sauna to rid their body of the harmful drug residue that stores in the fatty tissues.


"Anyone can stop using drugs for a few weeks. At that time the immediate withdrawal symptoms are gone, but often times the addict is still craving the drugs." explains Lukas. "When a student goes through the detoxification method they are ridding their body of the harmful drug residue that when dislodged, cause cravings, which are so often the downfall to sobriety."

Using this type of treatment Narconon Louisiana achieves a more than 76% success rate, for permanent sobriety from addiction.


With the current drug scene across the Mexican border and the country citizens can often feel apathetic as to what to do to stop this problem. It is important to realize that most people do not want to be addicted to drugs, and often cannot see a way to stop using. People who suffer from addiction are not alone. There is a solution. Contact Narconon Louisiana today at 866-422-4650.