Stillwater 7/25/2012 3:50:41 AM
News / Law

Jaguars’ Justin Blackmon Pleads Guilty to DUI

Jaguars’ wide receiver, Justin Blackmon pleaded guilty to aggravated DUI today in an Oklahoma court.

Blackmon had his attorney enter a guilty plea on his behalf. In exchange for his plea, Blackmon will not be serving anytime in jail as long as he meets the courts requirements which include 50 hours of community service and $500 fine.

Blackmon was arrested in June with a blood alcohol level between .24 and .26. The prosecutor for the case refused to offer a plea bargain for a lesser charge. In order to prevent a conviction, DUI attorneys often try to have these charges reduced to reckless driving or plea for a lesser sentance.

This was Blackmon’s second arrest for DUI. He was previously arrested in 2010 which resulted in his suspension from an Oklahoma State game.

Blackmon was due in training camp for the Jacksonville Jaguars this Thursday but he hasn’t signed his contract. As a rookie they may have reduced their initial offer following his DUI arrest. It is also possible that he will be required to enter the NFL’s substance abuse program.

A DUI can have long lasting effect on a person’s life, not only do you face a criminal charge but this can make the offender look like a risk to employers. Anyone facing this charge really should retain a DUI lawyer to help them contest the charge and ask the courts for a lenient sentence.

DUI attorney will use their skills to build a solid defense which can prevent conviction and keep their clients out of jail.