IMAGING DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEMS (OTCBB: IMDS) "Up 33.33% in morning trading"
Imaging Diagnostic Systems, Inc. has developed a revolutionary new imaging device to aid in the detection and management of breast cancer. The CTLM® system is a breast imaging system that utilizes patented continuous wave laser technology and computer algorithms to create 3-D images of the breast. The procedure is non-invasive, painless, and does not expose the patient to ionizing radiation or painful breast compression. CT Laser Mammography (CTLM®) is designed to be used in conjunction with mammography. It reveals information about blood distribution in the breast and shows the process of angiogenesis, which usually accompanies tumor growth. CTLM system has received international certifications and licenses from the European CE mark, CMDCAS Canadian Health screening, China SFDA, India, UL, and ISO 13485. The Company is seeking FDA approval through the Premarket approval process.
EVERYBODYS PHONE COMPANY (OTC: EVPH) "Up 50.00% in morning trading"
Everybody's Phone Company (EVPH) is expanding their services to include pre-paid energy, utility, and Internet services. EVPH also plans to buy and consolidate defaulted mortgage loans. Simultaneously, EVPH will be in close contact with those who need their services most through buying defaulted loans. EVPH started out acquiring heavily discounted telephone service from the incumbent local exchange carriers, such as AT&T and Verizon, and reselling the services at premium rates on a prepaid basis yielding above average profit margins and mitigating bad debt. Once EVPH achieves critical mass in Texas, it plans to expand its prepaid telecommunications products, utility services and debt buying abilities nationwide.
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