Hours after being temporarily stripped of guardianship of her late son’s three children, Katherine Jackson spoke out about the family drama that led up to the judge’s decision. In a statement read on camera to ABC News, the 82-year-old denied allegations her children held her against her will in Arizona. She said she was voluntarily enjoying a “short vacation and rest” at Miraval Resort & Spa.
"I am devastated that while I've been away ... my grandchildren have been taken away from me, and I'm coming home to see about that," Jackson said with her children Rebbie, Jermaine and Janet standing behind her.
"There are rumors going around about me that I have been kidnapped. I am here today to let everybody know that I am fine and I am here with my children, and my children would never do a thing to me like that, holding me against my will. It's very stupid for people to think that," she said.
Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff gave Michael Jackson’s nephew TJ temporary guardianship of Paris, Prince and Blanket in an emergency hearing on Wednesday. Beckloff said it appeared Katherine was unable to act as guardian because of an “intentional act from third parties."
TJ’s attorney, Charles A. Schultz, told Beckloff there was “immediate harm to the minor children, there was a potential abduction at the house, in addition to a phone call from Katherine last night that gave us real concern”
"This is not a power play by TJ Jackson," Beckloff said. "This is based on the allegation that Katherine Jackson is being prevented from acting as guardian."
“We are looking at this as a Band-Aid until Miss Jackson returns or re-establishes contact with the kids,” said Schultz.
Katherine was given guardianship of the children after Michael Jackson died in 2009. She lives with the Prince, Paris and Blanket in a Calabasas home rented by the King of Pop’s estate. Earlier this week, police were called to the home after an altercation between two unnamed members of the family. The fight happened after Jackson siblings Janet, Randy and Jermaine allegedly attempted to remove Paris, Prince and Blanket from the home.
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