Atlanta 7/27/2012 2:16:59 AM
News / Entertainment

Big Brother 14 Week 2 Eviction Predictions: Danielle or JoJo

Another week in the Big Brother house will wind down tonight with the second live eviction of the season. HOH Frank originally nominated Shane and JoJo for eviction, but he was forced to choose another nominee when Shane saved himself with the Power of Veto. Frank picked Danielle, Dan’s last player in the game, as the replacement nominee.

After Shane won the POV, JoJo became the target. There was briefly some talk of sending Danielle packing so Dan would be booted from the game too, but everyone seems to agree JoJo is the bigger threat and should go before Danielle. It looks like even JoJo’s teammate and closest ally Shane will vote against her. He has been intent on improving his relationship with Frank’s alliance, so he probably will vote with the rest of the house just to lay low.

Meanwhile, the houseguests have been busy preparing for the next Head of Household competition with a hockey game that has been set up in the backyard.


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