Phoenix 7/31/2012 3:32:55 AM
News / Law

Illegal Immigrants Launch Bus Tour Protest

Illegal immigrants are coming out of the shadows and are now speaking publically. Now some undocumented immigrants are launching a bust tour to add their voices to the immigration debate, protesting the increased number of deportations and racial profiling.

The bus tour will kick off in Arizona, where one the countries toughest immigration laws was passed. Most of the provisions of Arizona S.B. 1070 were blocked by the Supreme Court, but the controversial “paper’s please” provision was upheld, making illegal and legal Latino immigrants fearful they will be stopped or detained because of the color of their skin.

The bus tour will wind through the country, visiting states such as Alabama and Georgia, which have also enacted tough immigration laws similar to Arizona. The protest tour will culminate in Charlotte on Sept.  1st when the Democratic National Convention takes place.

The tour plans to go to the DNC to draw attention to the increased number of deportations under the Obama administration. Though immigrants were happy with the President’s decision to stop deporting young people who were brought here by their parents, immigration advocates are angered by the sharp increase in deportations. Protestors hope to appeal to Democratic leaders to stop the deportations and crackdown on state immigration laws.

Immigrants don’t have to live in the shadows so long as they get the necessary legal documents. This can be a long and hard process but it can easier with the assistance of an immigration attorney to obtain the necessary visas.