Shane using the POV to backdoor Frank has shaken up the entire house. He originally nominated Ashley and Joe (both on Janelle’s team) for eviction, but then used the Power of Veto to remove Ashley from the block and made Frank the replacement nominee. Janelle and her players pushed for that to happen, promising Shane and Danielle safety in the coming week.
The alliance between Janelle and Boogie’s team is now over. It seems pretty certain that Frank will be evicted this week. Although Shane has the votes to go either way, he is set on sending Frank packing. Danielle, Shane’s swing vote, is on board with the plan. She is already making deals with Janelle’s team for the upcoming week. Wil has promised he won’t nominate her or Shane for eviction if he is HOH next week. He says he will target Ian and Jenn.
Meanwhile, Janelle is convinced the judges will enter the game this week. She thinks each judge will be given the choice to stay a coach or become a player. Janelle has approached Dan and Britney with her theory. She wants the three of them to work together with their players to get Boogie out.
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