Buffalo 8/2/2012 3:20:30 AM
News / Law

Elderly NY Couple Remarries 48 Years after Divorce

An elderly couple in Buffalo has decided they belong together even though they got divorced 48 years ago and will be married this Saturday for the second time.  

High school sweethearts, Lena Henderson and Roland Davis got married, had four kids together, but decided to call it quits and got divorced in 1964, after 20 years. Though their marriage didn’t last their friendship did.

Lena and Roland stayed in contact, talking regularly about their children and their lives. Both had moved on and entered other marriages, Roland moved across the country. Lena even went so far as to give Roland’s second wife advice on how to deal with him.

Roland’s second wife died this past January and he realized that he still loved and needed Lena, so he proposed on Easter and she eagerly accepted and they will tie the knot on Saturday in Buffalo.

“It’s every child’s dream, every child who has been in a family where divorce has occurred, that your parents would come back together,’ said the couple’s daughter Renita Chadwick.

Divorce often brings up unpleasant thoughts, but sometimes it has a happy ending.

When a couple marries the last thing they think about is divorce or a prenuptial agreement, but sometimes people just grow apart and cannot reconcile their differences. When this happens, they can prevent some contentious issues and protect the interests of their children by hiring an accomplished divorce attorney to come up with a final settlement.