Atlanta 8/2/2012 3:43:08 AM
News / Entertainment

Big Brother 14 Week 3 Spoilers: Wil Angry At Janelle

Janelle’s carefully laid plans to backdoor Frank and team up with Britney could be destroyed by one of her own players. In an early morning talk with Frank and Boogie on Tuesday, Wil learned Janelle lied when she told him she had to campaign hard to keep Frank from putting him on the chopping block. Frank and Boogie both denied Wil was ever a target. Wil, who helped push Shane to backdoor Frank, told Frank and Boogie he would think about voting Joe out this week. He also promised to talk to Danielle about her vote.

Later in the day, Wil talked to Joe about being mad at Janelle. They talked again after Joe warned Janelle and Ashley. Wil assured Joe he is still on board with getting Frank out of the house. He also said he would like to work with Joe in the future. Wil and Janelle also talked. Janelle apologized for making Wil feel like he was a worthless player.

Meanwhile, the coaches are convinced they will come into the game as players this week. Janelle has been hard at work trying to get Dan and Britney on her side. The only true alliance to be formed is between Dan, Britney, Danielle and Shane.


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