New York 8/2/2012 9:29:02 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Demilec Spray Foam Problems Under Investigation

The attorneys working with are investigating potential claims on behalf of residents and owners whose property contains Demilec spray polyurethane foam insulation (SPF). It has been alleged that the company’s “SEALECTION 500” and “SEALECTION Agribalance” polyurethane foam insulation remains toxic after installation and can cause property damage and pose health hazards to occupants. Reportedly, the product is easily noticeable as it has a noxious odor, which some property owners and residents have likened to an “old attic,” “fish-like,” “chemical” or “new home” smell. If your property contains this spray foam insulation, you may have legal recourse to seek compensation for your losses, including money spent trying to remove the insulation. To learn more, visit for a free, no obligation review of your spray foam problems. 

The Demilec spray foam insulation is believed to contain two sets of highly toxic compounds, which when applied, are supposed to result in polyurethane foam that becomes non-toxic.  Allegations have surfaced that either because of the product’s design or the near impossibility of proper installation, the spray foam insulation remains toxic after it has been applied. The spray foam insulation allegedly continues to “off-gas” after it has been installed, creating irritants which can lead to headaches, breathing problems, and eye, nose and throat irritations. It has been alleged that removal of the product is very difficult or can even make matters worse, resulting in considerable damages for property owners. 

Allegedly, owners and residents are suffering a number of losses due to the presence of the spray foam insulation. These may include costs associated with temporary housing, expenses needed to remedy the effects of the insulation and damages associated with personal injuries. If your property contains this spray foam insulation, learn more about your eligibility to seek compensation for these losses by visiting today. 

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