Shane’s HOH reign and carefully laid plan to backdoor Frank turned out to be completely pointless as there was no eviction last night.
After the POV ceremony, Boogie is shocked Shane used the POV to remove Ashley and nominate Frank. He didn’t see it coming since Frank and Shane made a deal to protect each other. Frank assures him that he isn’t the target and explains that Shane and Britney got paranoid after Ian refused to promise Shane’s safety next week. Frank says Shane’s move is the only way to make sure Ian and Jenn’s votes will go against Joe.
Meanwhile, Shane’s secret plan to backdoor Frank is jeopardized by a rift between Wil and Janelle. Wil is annoyed Janelle acts like she is the only reason he wasn’t targeted last week. He expresses his frustration to Joe, who immediately tells Janelle. Janelle realizes Wil could flip and vote Joe out this week, so she goes to work on repairing their relationship. She sheds a few fake tears and apologizes, but Wil sees through the act.
The entire week turns out to be a waste of time. Before the live eviction, Julie Chen reveals America voted ‘yes’ on allowing the coaches to enter the game. She explains that the coaches will enter the diary room separately to decide whether they want to remain a coach, or hit a reset button that will put them in the game as players. If even one coach hits the reset button, all of the coaches enter the game immediately and there will be no live eviction. If none of the coaches hit the reset button, all of them will remain coaches.
Boogie is the only coach to refuse the reset button. The live eviction is skipped and all of the houseguests, including outgoing HOH Shane, go to the backyard to compete in the Head of Household competition. For the challenge, the houseguests must stand on a small ledge on the side of a pirate ship and hold on to a bar behind them as the ship rocks and tilts forward. The last person standing wins HOH.
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