Atlanta 8/7/2012 3:07:04 AM
News / Entertainment

Big Brother 14 Week 4 Spoilers: New Alliance Forms

An alliance between the four coaches seemed inevitable after they entered the game last week as players, but it looks like that is not going to happen thanks to Boogie. Boogie appears to have successfully convinced Danielle to use her POV to backdoor Janelle, which would keep his closest ally Frank save.

After Danielle won HOH and nominated Frank and Wil for eviction, Dan, Britney and Janelle approached Boogie about an alliance. He flat out refused to work with Janelle and insisted she can’t be trusted. Boogie’s open comments against Janelle convinced Britney and Dan he is being honest in his promise to work with them and their allies, Danielle and Shane. Dan, Britney, Shane, Danielle, Boogie and Frank have now solidified their alliance, named the Silent Six. They have agreed Danielle should use the POV on Wil and make Janelle the replacement nominee.


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