Although an elaborate plan to backdoor her is in the works, Janelle remains clueless about the intentions of her former allies. HOH Danielle originally nominated Wil and Frank for eviction, but after winning the POV she decided to use it to backdoor Janelle and solidify a secret alliance with Frank, Boogie, Dan, Britney and Shane.
The entire house appears to be in on the plan to blindside Janelle. Danielle has convinced her that Frank remains the target, so Janelle has done little in the way of gathering votes. She has asked how the houseguests are voting, but no one has been honest. Ashley, Britney and Wil contemplated telling her about their votes yesterday. For now, it looks like Janelle will be completely blindsided by the live eviction on Thursday.
Meanwhile, Ashley and Wil are on to the secret alliance formed by Boogie.
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